Disability Assistance Policy
Centennial Library Disability Assistance Policy
The Centennial Library complies with appropriate University policies and guidelines and provides reasonable accommodation to users with disabilities to promote their participation in using library resources and services. This policy specifies the general accommodations provided by the library, and case-by-case accommodations may be established at the discretion of the Director of Public Services or the Library Administrative Council.The library has a designated Special Populations Liaison who is the primary library point of contact with the office of Disability Services and with users with disabilities. The liaison is also responsible for orienting any users with disabilities to the library and for working, if available, with users with disabilities.
General Services
The library is equipped with electronically activated doors, accessible aisles, and two computer stations for users with visual impairments or print disabilities. The lower level of the library is accessible through an elevator located near the entrance.
Research Services
Individual research assistance is available through the Research Center by email, text, phone, online chat, or in-person at the library (contact information below). Research staff are available to help locate print and electronic materials for use and can provide assistance with reasonable amounts of scanning to convert print-materials to a usable, electronic format. For scanning projects involving more than a chapter or an article, scanning assistance is available through the office of Disability Services in the Cove.
Circulation Services
Circulation staff are available to locate and retrieve materials for users who are unable to retrieve the materials themselves. Additionally, Circulation staff will retrieve materials in advance for check out and hold them at the Circulation Desk for users with disabilities upon receiving advance notice.
Personalized Services
The Centennial Library provides equal access to all patrons, but individuals are responsible for independent use of library resources. Cedarville University students who require personalized assistance, such as personal reading, photocopying, scanning, typing, or note-taking are encouraged to contact the Disabilities Service Office (contact information below).
Classroom Services
Material for library classroom instruction will be provided ahead of time as PDF materials. Screen interpretation will be cared for through individual arrangement with the student.
Professors and course instructors are responsible for providing all course materials, including reserve materials, in an accessible format. Electronic reserves are available through the Library Web Page, generally as PDFs or web links.
Adaptive Technology and Services
Adaptive technology for users with disabilities is located in the Media Resource Center. Current equipment best supports students with visual impairment. While the equipment is available to all users, priority will be given to users with disabilities and the library staff reserves the right to ensure their access to the equipment.
Available Technology
Available equipment includes two height-adjustable computer workstations with large-screen, high-resolution monitors. Both stations provide access to JAWS, a screen-reading program, and, additionally, one station provides book reading/scanning software and a book scanner. Instructions for using the book reading services is located in Appendix 1.
Adaptive Technology Support
Library research staff can provide basic instruction and assistance in using the adaptive technology; for more comprehensive support, arrangements can be made with the office of Disability Services.
Contact Information
Office of Disability Services
Phone: 937-766-7437
Email: mvanmeter@fatemeeting.com
Web: 7niw.fatemeeting.com/Offices/Academic-Enrichment/Disabilities.aspx
Portions of this document were adapted from the Dunbar Library at Wright State University and used with permission by Sheila Shellabarger.
Appendix 1: List of Software and Adaptive Technology in the Library
Available Technology
- The equipment used for assistive technology is located in the “Media Resources” room on the upper level of the Library.
- Physical Equipment
- Two height adjustable desks
- Two computers with 28” high resolution monitors
- One book reader connected to system on the left, when facing the desks.
- Software
- Both systems have JAWS, a reading program for the computer, installed.
- Accessed by going to Start Menu->Cedarnet->Communications, or by going to the Start Menu and searching for “jaws”
- System on the left has the book reader software installed and instructions are below.
- Both systems have JAWS, a reading program for the computer, installed.
Book Reader Software Instructions
Note: There are two sets of instructions. The first uses just the buttons on the scanner itself. The second required starting two programs Abbyy and Jaws.
- Place book or document in scanner and log into computer.
- Once logged in press one the three buttons described below to scan.
- Blue button: This option produces a PDF text file.
- Gray button: This option produces a PDF image file.
- Black button: This option produces a Text file.
- Once the document finishes scanning the program Bookvoice will automatically start and begin to read the document.
- Once it finishes reading the document, you can scan another page of the book or another document and Bookvoice will automatically add the new page to the previous page and begin to read the freshly scanned page. This creates a running document of whatever you need.
Scan using Abbyy:
Note: This software will allow you to edit what you want scanned, but will not read the document for you. You will need to have JAWS running to read the scanned document. However, the scans are a much better quality than just using the buttons on the scanner.
- Begin by logging into the computer.
- Once logged in, start the Abbyy software by searching for “Abbyy Finereader 6.0” in the Start Menu search bar.
- Launch Abbyy once you find it.
- Once Abbyy launches, there should be an option to scan in the upper left corner of the screen. Click on that option.
- Abbyy will launch a scan options screen. The two primary options are automatic scanning and advanced scanning. Chose advanced scanning, which will be on the left side. The following image should appear:
- On the left side of the screen, you can select which sections of the document you would like to scan. You may do this by adjusting the sizes of the green boxes.
- On the right you select the resolution and color of the image you are scanning. Set the options with the following:
- Select “Max Scan Area” in the first box. (This should be automatically selected. Just make sure.)
- In the second box select “Grayscale.” This is the recommended setting for best results.
- In the third drop down box from the top select 300 dpi.
- The last two options are for brightness of the image and black vs. white shading of the image. These you can adjust to whatever you feel is best.
- Once you have everything set how you want, select the middle button (the picture of a scanner) on the bottom right side of the screen.
- The scanner should scan and produce a high quality image and also a text document, which you can save as a PDF or Word document.
- To have the computer read the document start up JAWS and click into the document.